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Hi Marc,

Marc O'Brien wrote on 2013-11-20 02:08:

I am curious why Plone and not Drupal ?  I am biased as I was a VP with
Acquia and know Dries and the gang well.... there might be some leverage
between the communities.  If I can assist in making the connections I would
be happy.

that's nice, thanks a lot.
However, we had this discussion quite often in the past, which CMS to use, and it comes up every once in a while.

The initial choice of SilverStripe for the website, as well as Plone for extensions & templates came up because we always heard "$otherCMS can do this and that", but for SilverStripe and Plone, we had working samples, other CMS' functions were just words, no proof. :-)

Likewise, most of the times, when a complaint comes up about e.g. SilverStripe, when you really ask people what's wrong, it's quite vague. And then asking if they know e.g. Drupal does things much better, the answer usually is rather silent.

So, for the main website, IMHO discussions about changing the CMS do not make any sense, unless there is someone who actually _KNOWS_ that any other CMS solves the problems without creating new major ones, and someone who actually _DOES_ it. :-)

For the Plone sites, there are indeed some concrete items that can and should be worked on, and those are the ones I'd love to collect in the infra Etherpad, so we can solve them.


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