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          Priority: medium
            Bug ID: 63783
           Summary: ASKLIBREOFFICE: Erroneous "(this field is required)"
                    error message in Feedback Contact Form
          Severity: normal
    Classification: Unclassified
                OS: All
          Hardware: Other
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
           Version: unspecified
         Component: WWW
           Product: LibreOffice

---------Problem description---------

While trying to send a rather long message through the AskLO "Give us feedback"
contact form I was met with the following error message: 

    (this field is required)

This message was erroneous of course because the field was everything but
Only after shortening the message by a few sentences I was able to send it on
its way. I suspect that the error message is related to the message character

---------Steps to reproduce---------

 1. Make sure you are logged in to
 2. Head to
 3. Copy and paste a long passage of text into the message box (>1000
characters should be enough)
 4. Include an apologetic note to the web-administration team and make sure to
clarify that you are sending them this message for test purposes only (just in
case it does make it through ;))
 5. Hit "Send"


If it really is the character count that triggers this error notify the user
that he hit the character limit.

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