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On 04/10/2013 05:24 PM, Erich Christian wrote:
Hi Florian, *

Am 10.04.2013 13:44, schrieb Christian Lohmaier:
On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 8:54 PM, Florian Effenberger
<> wrote:
I just started hacking a simple download script. I am really no developer,
so it is really just a very very quick shot, but how about that:
I absolutely hate it.

This might work when there would only be one single download, as since
lanugagepacks and/or help are separate, leaving the dowload page just
is a slap into the face of the user/me.
yes, indeed +1

think I get the idea but rather see it either as a popup or as a
handsome <div> showing up on top of the download page.
removing the choices on click and being redirected to the same page
after each download is annoying.

cool   :)

maybe we should start a conceptual design contest - technical solutions
never seem to be a problem ...   :)


as long as we do not go the Ubuntu route.

The last time I downloaded anything there it seemed that I had to go through a donation page that seemed to imply that I had to donate something if I wanted the download. I hope that has changed.

There was some talk about a pop up that came up after you pressed the download of the main package asking if you wanted to donate to LO/TDF. I would not mind seeing that, as long as it stated that you do not need to donate anything to get the software, and the fact that if you could have that pop up after the download started, it might reassurepeople that they would get the package without donating. Also only have such a pop up in the main package and not the language or help packs.

I have donated to LO, not because I needed to, but because I wanted to. As long as we make certain that the users can freely download the package without think in any way shape or form that the are required or should pay for it by donating to LO/TDF, then I would support support the process. The problem will be to make sure the new user, either personal or business, can easily see that LO is free to all and we are asking for any donations to help us keep the "lights on" soto speak from those who like our package and can see clear to donate whatever amount they fee that they can.

Here PBS stations will take any donation from their viewers, but they stress the $50, $75, $120, $150 donations and it make one feel that they are required to donate a minimum of $50 when the PBS station will take $10 if that is all you can donate. So as long as we stress, somehow, that we will take whatever you can give us and not some specific minimumamount.

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