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Hi Marco, *,

Le 03/03/2013 21:47, Marco Menardi a écrit :
Why don't we simply get rid of the foot? It is so small that nobody will
probably notice that the screens are "floating".


Agree, is the only clear iMac "style and branding" piece left, why leave it and not do the work 100% right?
The version with the "native foot" was the first thing we did, but it 
looked really weird with the perspective applied ; that's why we made a 
combination with the "iMac-ish" foot, which had the proper angle.
In addition I'm sure that without the foot, the emphasys is put more on the screen content, that is LiBo, than on the hardware. If inexplicably the foot is necessary (sigh!?!?),
As mentionned in my reply to Italo, I think that would make them look 
like tablets, but please just try it and share the result with us.
I'm sure graphics web designers that are working on the site (or a friend of them) have a "non iMac" monitor somewhere and could take a picture of it with the right angle.
I can assure you that it's not that easy ; but, I would be very happy to 
be proved wrong, honnestly.

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