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Hi Camille, all,

On Tue, 2013-02-19 at 14:05 +0100, Camille Moulin wrote:
While I visited the page again, I noticed two more things btw:
* clicking Discover it breaks the back button in Firefox (big no)

Hum, indeed :-(

Thanks for fixing – works for me now (on vm13).

Haven't checked on Windows machines, I am personally using OpenSuse 
with freetype-infinality and hinting setting "none"... I've attached 
part of a screenshot, hope the list lets this through.
If you can see it, you'll notice the RE and the C, as well as the OW 
seem to jump around quite a bit.
Yep, I see. So you would recommand just removing the effect?

Kind of. Maybe I am just too sensitive, though.
I've tried it in Windows 8 now – it looks really good in Metro-mode IE,
but not quite as good (jagged edges) in desktop browsers (I tried
Firefox and Chrome and would suspect that desktop IE would render the
same as those two [1]).
Of course, just removing the effect doesn't quite cut it, I guess, since
the button is an eye-catcher with it, but not quite as much without it.
Not sure how to remedy this, maybe a thicker bevel around it it or so?



[1] Desktop mode generally seems to still use ClearType, while Metro
mode uses something else that is less tuned for small texts, but
seemingly more forgiving to fonts it doesn't know. Also, Metro-mode text
does not appear to be subpixel-rendered.

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