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Hi Pawel, *,

On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 4:02 PM, Pawel Konefal <> wrote:
This refers to English site.
Does system requirements page need to be updated? I thought Mac OS X 10.4
and 10.5 are not supported (new features page: "raising our base-line to
For 4.0.0 they still work, however that might no longer be the case
for future versions, so indeed might be worth adding a note.

Why we're using Mb (Megabits) instead of MB (Megabytes, which are more
That is a very controversial topic, so I won't comment on that :-) -
other than you don't mean bits vs byte but 2^10 vs 10^3 topic. But it
doesn't really matter - whether it is MiB or MB I personally don't
care - just for RAM the convention still seems to use the binary based
unit, while for disk space people seem to have found peace with the
decimal variant.


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