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Jonathan Aquilina wrote on 2013-02-16 12:04:
If I am understanding the current situation correctly the issue is the size
of the images in terms of uploads and size allowed on the wiki. Think of it
this way using version control would allow us to evolve the images as the
website changes etc., but not only that it will build up a nice repository
in terms of media that can be used on other aspects of website projects at
the TDF.

the main problem is that there are even people who have issues with WebDAV, which is much easier. We can't expect everyone to be as technically savvy as we are, but everyone needs to get along with the tool. I think git is way too complicated for those just wanting to store some media.

One spontaneous idea coming to my mind would be ownCloud - it has WebDAV, is usable via web, and has an integrated history. Maybe that's an option we can consider - but I think someone needs to poke the design team asking what they prefer.


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