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Le 2013-02-08 22:51, Joel Madero a écrit :
Hi all,

Bug is here:

There are active users on the Ask site who just installed 4.0 and are
unable to report bugs because the bug submission tool is on the blink.
I've been apologizing to any user who is affected by the problem, but
I don't know if the users are going to come back to report bugs if it
takes us a long time to fix this.

As a temporary quickfix, could we please redirect url #2 to url #1?
(per #'s in Rob's email above). A redirect would let users report bugs
over this weekend, and buy us some time to figure out the problem.
On Ask please request that they go to bugzilla directly, let them know
that it's only intimidating at first and really isn't that hard to work.
FDO seems to be working just fine. As for the proposed temp fix, I'm
fine with that if someone can handle it.

Best Regards,

Is there still a need to do this on the main website? Otherwise I will 
mark it as not needing to be done anymore.


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