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Hey Florian don't get discouraged, we will get through this release and
will the organization as a whole will come out stronger and better then
before :)

On 2/6/13 5:46 PM, "Florian Effenberger" <>


unfortunately, I have some bad news to share - I did not manage to
transfer the website today.

Murphy hit me several times: Yesterday, for several hours, broadband was
broke almost everywhere in southern Germany, then today, bilbo's SSD had
a crash and needed a replacement (mail & downloads were down), which
then took much longer than usually. Plus, we had to cope with high load
on kermit again - in other words: two days of chaos, and totally
disrupted schedule. Although I worked until 0130 last night, the backlog
was just too high to be ready in time today. And the more I dig, the
more I find undocumented stuff that I have to first find out and
properly document to transfer it to the new machine. It's an extremely
tedious task...

The good news is that everything is prepared for transferring sites: web
and mail server is ready, DNS TTL is set to 5 minutes for an easy
switch, and tomorrow, Christian, Alex and I will meet here onsite to
work realtime on the system.

I did not manage at all to have a look at the new proposed website
design, so I cannot promise it will be live in time, because I simply
lack any insight so far.

We will decide tomorrow, based on what is going on, what we can migrate
and what not, and which steps to take to ensure proper operations during
the 4.0 release. If possible, my plan would be to migrate the wiki and
the web site in parallel to cope with the high load. If this goes well,
we still can embed the new website content, either into Silverstripe or
statically. As Christian is here, and we have a fast connection between
the servers, I'm positive, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Sorry for this mess, but when everything around breaks, you're sometimes
out of luck...

Let's keep our fingers crossed all goes well. :-)


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