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Pawel Konefal wrote on 2013-01-25 21:29:
Ha ha! Guys, SilverStripe is the slowest CMS I ever used. Since almost 2
years of using it nothing has changed. Firstly I thought it is my slow
computer, but recently I bought very fast notebook and it's the same.
Doesn't matter what browser is used.
I think we should in 2013/2014 make complete website upgrade to another CMS
and re-organize all sites, subsites etc., but about these things there are
many discussions.

well, I definitely do NOT want to start a new discussion on "What is the best CMS". We had this once, and it - sorry - sucked big time. We heard a dozen times how wonderful other CMS would be, but in the end the only CMS that had someone actually *DOING* things was Silverstripe. End of story. ;)

As for the load problems, yes, we do have a problem on the web server, which sometimes makes Silverstripe, the wiki and other parts of our infrastructure very slow. I am working hard in the background to work on the migration, and I expect that I can start migrating the first sites next week, by when the problems should get better.


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