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Hi Daniel,

great. Could you send me per PM your prefered username and the email
address that I should use to create an account for you?

Best regards,

Am 19.01.2013 18:09, schrieb Daniel A. Rodriguez:
could help with spanish

2013/1/19 Andreas Mantke <>

Hi all,

I've worked on a new Plone add-on for the LibreOffice template-site.
This add-on creates a much flatter hierarchy of the site and the
projects. This means that there are two folder content types:
- tucenter and
- tuproject

and a non-folder-type: tudownloadablefile

The contributor/user of the site could create a project (with a link
from the homepage of the tucenter) and add a tudownloadablefile with
their template to their project.

It's posible now to translate the categories, versions, project states
etc. to another language. It's also posible to translate a project and
its tudownloadablefiles to different languages. I've worked on this
issue the last days and got a solution for this.

But I created only the appropriate form fields to upload and display the
content (maybe there is something in the views missing: I'm open for
feedback there) and did not any theming yet, thus don't expect a layout
miracle yet.

I need some volunteers which test the functionality of the site and the
translation framework. I've tested in my local development environment
with German mutated vowel only. I need volunteers with knowledge of
different languages with regularly used non-ascii characters.

The test site is currently online at

Best regards,

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