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for quite a while, we have been discussing a major reinstallation of our wiki. Since the currently used version is out of date, and MediaWiki migrated from SVN to git, I have finally started to work in a new setup.

During the QA weekend in Essen, I have checked out the recent MediaWiki version plus extensions from git, read our existing configuration plus some others I did in the past, as well as the notes I took from the current setup.

It is a rather tedious tasks, but in the end, we should have a state-of-the-art and recent setup, with a very well documented configuration, that finally should scale also for various languages.

We wanted to have that many months ago, but unfortunately, our volunteer never found time to work on it, so I put it on my todo.

My plan on how to proceed is as follows:

First, I will finalize the current setup under a testing domain.

Then, I will export the current users and articles to the new wiki, explicitly for testing and debugging. Everyone then can (and should!) see if the test wiki works as expected, and if all existing articles still work.

At the same time, we should start to customize the new theme. I think it will be easier to do so, rather than upgrading our existing custom theme to the new MediaWiki version.

Finally, we will see if there are any more customizations or extensions we need, and install those.

Eventually, we will define a migration day, set the existing wiki read-only and migrate things over to the new instance. All URLs, pages and users will be preserved.

It will still be branded as a TDF wiki. The planned LibreOffice multilingual wiki can be set up in a second step, based on the configuration of the new installation.

Sorry for the delay - we relied on a volunteer who didn't find time until today, that's what delayed it...


Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
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