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On 09/24/2012 10:26 AM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 3:55 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P
<> wrote:
Will the new infrastructure IPv6 compliant? or is it still only IPv4?
Already the current infra is IPv6 compliant (and enabled).


That is great, since I know a lot of larger local/regional businesses that have to upgraded their Internet access router/systems since the mid 2000's. "If it still works, then why replace it" is their policy even if the equipment is not very secure anymore, including wireless access.

From my apartment I see several open and unsecured wireless access points.

I know of several businesses that do not secure "properly" their wireless systems. I make sure that anyone who I give privileges to access/use one of my wireless routers for their Internet access, that from that wireless access they cannot see or access any system on my "private" system.

I really hope my on-motherboard network "cards" are IPv6 compliant when my cable modem Internet access deploys IPv6. They are so behind in the technology for their network/node systems from my place to their centralized office that that have too many users on each node for proper services for 800+ channel Digital Cable, Internet, Digital Phone, Security systems, and watching most of your contracted cable channels on your desktop, laptop, smart phone, or tablet. My place with over 200 apartments share a node with over 500 users in the area, when their tech people states that 100-150 users per node is the maximum number to get all the services to work properly. Of course having coax in the concrete walls from 1975 or '76 do not help with this apartment building[s] either.

The symptoms for "non-proper service" is the pixeling and freezing of the cable's video and the need to reboot the cable TV, cable Internet router, and the Wireless routers, at least once a week due to loss of signal strength and large amounts of packet errors.


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