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Am 21.09.2012 20:48 schrieb Florian Effenberger:

I know we have one for the membership application, but all tutorials I can find
on the web are about coding one on your own.

What I need is an input field for the donation amount, a "donate button", and
the form action should invoke a custom PHP script I'm currently developing.

If it's already possible to limit the input value of the form field (only whole
numbers between 1 and 1000, to be on the safe side for the moment), filtering
out any invalid characters, that would be perfect, but can also be done at the
PHP script level.

I didn't try what rules you can define but creation of a form is about
1) Create a new page (select "User defined form" from dropdown near "Go")
2) Add fields (under "Form" tab; "Main" tab only contains "$UserDefinedForm")
3) Add rules etc

For the Anwender/Mitmachen form in de.lo I just experimented a bit until it
worked as desired.

Dunno how to realize passing results to a php script, all the builtin form can
do seems limited to storing values on the server and emailing them to a given
address. So maybe you'll have to code a custom form anyways.


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