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Hi Florian, *,

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 1:28 PM, Florian Effenberger
<> wrote:

one piece that's missing for the credit card donation option is a set of
decent web sites that are shown during various actions:
The general rules, which probably disqualify Silverstripe, are:

None of these would disqualify Silverstripe, but of course there's
little sense in having completely static pages that nobody will edit
in a CMS.

I've crafted some real quick and dirty example pages at

($$$ PAYMENT ZONE $$$ is the area in processing.html, where the credit card
company displays their form, so we do *not* need to create a form on our

But how does that form look like? Makes quite a different for
designing the stuff around it.

Anyone has time and ability to improve my quick and dirty solution? If we
can have it in Silverstripe, that'd be fantastic - but in my tests, it was
not possible due to #1, #2 and #5 of the requirements above.

Just have a different template that does nothing of the "bad" stuff.
Just omit javascript and base-URL tag, and use $AbsoluteLink for all
links that are added in the templates instead.

But need to have a look at how the process goes/how the user gets to
see the different "result" pages to decide whether it is worth it.


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