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Hi Tim

Le 2012-09-15 08:24, webmaster-Kracked_P_P a écrit :

I am having trouble understanding the problem in this email.

When you click on the 3.5 Features from the page
you get the page

Is the person telling the list that the menus seen then has an issue
with size?  Or is it the fact that some of the menu options are left out?

I have not seen this with Firefox 14 or 15.  I was told that SeaMonkey
was no longer being updated and out of date for some time now.  It could
be wrong information.

The web page's menu bars shown on my system is about 890 pixels wide.  I
am wondering what the user's monitor width is.  Could there be an issue
with people with only 800 by 600 pixel displays?

I just do not see any problems on my system, unless somewhere, somehow,
there is a problem with displaying the menus properly as a browser
issue.  I have problems with the menu bar with my Opera Mini browser on
my tablet, not showing the last two options in the menus.  the regular
Opera browser seems to work fine.  So I really think that the issue
could be a browser based issue in reading and displaying the CSS
information that controls how the menus are displayed.

The pages loads the menu and you will see that it is quite a full line. If you increase the screen view by doing a Ctrl+ you will see that some of the menu items will exceed the limits of the right-hand margin.

Anyway, as Christian says, the browsers are treating this correctly and the bulk of the problem is mostly related to the amount of text on the menu line. We would have to find a way to shorten up the menu items but I don't think that we could do this.

This bug has been closed.



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