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Hi marketeers,
at [1] they use a website survey that might be worth testing
on our site as well. Not beeing very knowledgeable about marketing I
like their question set:

1. Based on today’s visit, how would you rate your site experience overall?
2. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of your visit?
3. Were you able to complete the purpose of your visit today?
4a. (If yes) What do you value most about the [sitename] website?
4b. (If no) Please tell us why you were not able to fully complete the
purpose of your visit today?

We could ask our users in a survey too.

This could be done with a free tool [2] of a commercial offerer [3]
which is available for a test phase. Would someone like to check the
privacy policy ? If this tool is not right or there are better ones,
would someone care to recommend something comparable ?

[1] we maybe want to list the TDF there:

Cheers Mike
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