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On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 18:05 -0400, Darren Govoni wrote:
That's it. But the rate from that site is like 62k per second for me.
I'm near Washington, DC. This is the speed coming from the server.

Are there mirrors I can choose from, closer to me or not throttled?
I couldn't find any download mirrors.

WOW - me too-  I'm in Maryland, the download usually takes is less the 5
minutes, now reporting 57 minutes...something isn't right.

Sent this to the website ML also - where folks might be able to help.


On Fri, 2012-04-13 at 14:45 +0200, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 13.04.2012 03:14, Darren Govoni wrote:
   I've been trying to download the latest LibreOffice. No luck.
It gets about 5%. Its slow then gets "interrupted" and stops. The
torrent does not work. It stays at 0%. Never seen this from a download
site before.

Is there a mirror list?

I tested my connection speed. Its fast.


Where do you try to download from? Should be and nothing else. The [Info] link 
leads to alternative locations (torrents and mirrors).

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