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On 04/08/2012 06:09 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

Rainer Bielefeld wrote on 2012-04-08 11:25:
it's the old game, different browser, resolution, zoom, what else leads
to different viewing results (se my latest comment in the bug). Can you
leave some advice in the bug for some systematic tests what might help
to grant constant view under all circumstances?

unfortunately, my HTML knowledge is rather bad - maybe someone else has an idea.

I updated the wiki yesterday to a slightly newer version, but my gut feeling tells me this is not the reason.


I did not read the beginning of this thread, but I know there are HTML options out there that fix the width of the page to a certain pixel width.

I had coded all my HTML pages from the mid 90's to the 2007 or so when I came across Kompozer's WYSIWYG editor. You tend to learn the HTML tags well doing that. I am rusty, but I still need to do some editing outside a WYSIWYG environment [like editing WIKI pages].

I tend to use a "table" option for web page width, but HTML 4.0 does have options to set the width of the page, set the font size and type, etc., etc., so most users are going to get the "same" viewing of the page with their Mac, Linux, or Windows systems. I use to have to create web pages from scratch that would look the same within Firefox and IE. The use of fixed page width and font option in the CSS and the tags like <style=> and <table width=### px >" you have some control of the width of the web page.

Ever though Wiki pages have their own editing system, I know that you can use HTML tags to control the text and images. I usually fixed the width to 800 pixels, but now I use 1000 pixels, since the "budget" LCD/LED monitors are 1366 pixels wide.

If you use the HTML/CSS combination for page and font formatting, you can specify a lot. I even go as far as selecting the default font to be used to view the page.

I had a list that showed which fonts that Windows and Mac had installed by default, and which fonts were matching fonts between systems. So I tended to list the font name is an order of use, the font size, and the font color, in the CSS <style>and <span> tags.

I started the web page with
<table width=1000px>

and ended it with


That way "I" was in control of the page width, the fonts displayed, etc., etc.. Then Firefox, IE, Chrome, Opera, and the others, would view the page as similar as I could make it.

I know there should be some way to add these types of "fixed display" formats into the Wiki pages.

Here are two font samples. San-Serif, and Serif. I tended to list a Windows font, then a Mac font version, then a Win, Mac, Win, Mac, etc., etc..

font-family: "Tahoma", "Geneva", "Verdana", "Arial", "Hevetica", "Trebuchet MS", "Monico", san-serif;
  color: #800000;
  font-size: 14pt;


font-family: "Georgia", "Palantino Linotype", "Book Antiqua", "Times New Roman", "Times", serif;

  color: #800000;
  font-size: 14pt;

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