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On 11/29/2011 06:44 PM, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Drew, *,

On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 2:55 PM, drew<>  wrote:
On Tue, 2011-11-29 at 13:24 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:22 AM, drew<>  wrote:
ps - it doesn't.
It does - when you set the version filter to "all versions"
Howdy Christian,

So it does.

One thing, the search filter is "Any version" not "All ..." and that is
a huge difference.
Indeed it is labelled "Any version"

Not sure how hard it would be to always show the ones that work in all versions.
As long as you really mean "any" then yes I think that would make sense
- in that it makes sense to have the drop down default to "Any" and in
effect turn the version filter off. ( "All" btw would be, IMO, the most
restrictive version filter, and would really not make any sense)
I somewhat agree. ALL will be useless when more and more versions will
be added. OTOH, extensions that do work with older versions, will also
work with newer versions.

I cannot think of a case where you are searching for 3.4 compatible
Well, you would not want to waste the users time showing them extensions
that do not work in their particular environment.
Heh, don't rip the sentence apart like this :-)

Though I would suspect
this is more likely with major version changes: ie 3.x vs 4.x.

but don't want results that work in older ones as well,
This belongs to the above - so when searching for 3.4 compatible ones,
you don't want to exclude those that also work with 3.3, do you?

same for the other way round - cannot think of a usecase to search for
extensions that work with 3.3, but not with 3.4.
However I can think of wanting to make sure they work in both versions
(although it is unlikely that the one that did work in 3.3 won't work
in 3.4, it is of course possible, especially when thinking about the
changes in Impress in OOo).
But then again the "all" or "any" will not be of any use.

The real solution is to default to<current version>  that will also
include those extensioned labeled to work in "previous version and
later". and make the selection a multi-selection aware control instead
of single option.


Right now, it would be nice for the "Any Version" to be default for the search. What would be nice is to have a search option for OS dependant extensions. Most extension will work on Windows, Linux, and MacOSX version of LO, but there are some that have different version for different OSs. If the extension does not have a version for Linux, but it does for Windows, there should be some search parameter for that.

My dictionary extensions were built on a Linux system, but were made to run on all the version of LO. So it would be in the Any OS catagory. The extensions that have separate version for the different OS should be listed as such, somehow. The extensions that only have a Windows version should be listed differently that ones that has versions for all of the supported OSs [Windows, Linux, and MacOSX].

This Extension Center is still a work-in-progress, and will change as time goes by as it becomes better for the users to work with it. Yet, it is working well to find what you want or need. One day, when there are 50, 100, 200, or more extension, we will need a test search option.

Also, I was wondering how easy it would be to add version 3.5 to the extension already listed? The dictionaries should work with the 3.5.x version of LO without modifications. So how easy will it be for me to add that version to my extensions? Right now it is listed as supporting the 3.3 and 3.4 versions.

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