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On 16/11/2011 00:14, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
Hi Drew, *,

On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 6:31 PM, drew<>  wrote:
Looking at the AskBot documentation and searching the AskBot Q+A site on
the subject of templates/themes and customization [...]

So, my question is - would the use of AskBot negate our ability to embed
the QA service as SilverStripe page?
It would not be one single page, at least I'd hate to loose the SEO
friendly links to individual questions. So if at all, it would have
its own realm at or something similar.

But then again, the difference between having it an own instance and
linked to the silverstripe site itself is not really that big. Only
thing is having the menu/navigation available.

So the question is more like: is it worth having it somewhere between
the rest of the navigation? What would be the actual benefits?


Instead of integrating it with silverstripe why not still use normal forms and link askbot to the forums so if anyone searches for a question it lists appropriate forum solutions?

Jonathan Aquilina

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