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On 08/03/2011 02:13 PM, Warren Camilleri wrote:
Hi Florian,

if i am not mistaken doesn't TDF need to register for a European NPO entity form, in order to cover all of the EU (including malta) when i tried to do that to raise funds for my community i was shut down by the local law wanting at least 10 people as board members... and 20 for the eu, is the same in germany in order to register a NPO/NGO?

Which also leave me to conclude about the territorial laws on both legalisation on NPO/NGO, Copyright as so on... its a long and tewisted process in each country and done so for money hungry government officials and layers...

Then asking for funds from North America, and such as well, could cause paperwork nightmares that need to be worked on during the legal entity chartering.

I had enough trouble with living in New York state and doing business in both New York and Pennsylvania. Multi country would cause me to go bald faster than I am now.

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