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Hi David, and Cor,

thanks for the warm welcome, yes the user name on the libreoffice site i created, how ever i never heard of silver stripe is it similar to any of these CMS
Wordpress, Google sites, concrete5?

also where to do i log into into the Cms/System? i admit i am new, and ready to help in Malta as much as i can, as with out the restrictions of Sun/oracle i believe i market better now that it is truly "Free"


Warren Camilleri <>
Founding Member of The Open Source Society Malta community
Mobile: +356 7991 2004
Skype: ossmalta | Twitter: @ossmalta

-----Original Message----- From: David Nelson
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2011 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-website]

Hello Warren,

On Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 1:39 AM, Warren Camilleri <> wrote:
hi guys,
i was advised by tom on the marketing list to join, as i would like to work on a site, if that's possible, and how to i go about working on translating it? i am a native Maltese read and write, and understand English very well, (far better then Google translate which destroys the language)
forum user name is: ossmalta
I saw that you already have an account in Not sure
who created it... Christian? Erich? Tom? You yourself?

In any case, I added you to the sub-site leads group since you didn't
appear to be a member of that group. The next thing is that Christian
or Erich would have to set-up the subdomain for the
Maltese NL site for you, and then you could get starting producing

If you need help getting started with SilverStripe (I guess you
probably might) then write back to the list and I and/or someone else
will help you get up and running.

Thanks for joining the team, and I hope we'll have you sorted out quickly.

I'm watching this thread, so if there's no movement quickly then I'll
try and bump things for you. HTH.

David Nelson

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