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Hi Christian Lohmaier, *,

Christian Lohmaier schrieb:
On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 3:40 AM, Friedrich Strohmaier
<> wrote:
I noticed the "Archived-At:" header tags don't work since 31 May
for example this one
In my Mail
Message-Id: <>
It is not found using the message-id alone either, so its a more
Does this need a special procedure?

general problem, not just a problem with the direct link (as the link
is a hash formed from the list's address and the message-id) Probably
the corresponding indexing job is not running..

Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 21:04:27 +0200
on this list.
Identifying the mail is easier when you also mention the title/subject
of the thread :-)
O.K. Noted for future action :o))

Or even easier: provide the manual link to the archive:
too late this morning for gathering more info..

As you have posted to the gossip-list already: Please report the
Mess! The worm wasn't delicious enough! I'll put a better one at the
fishhook next time.  Wich ones do You like most? :o))

(For reference: there
previously has been a problem with certain message-IDs, but as already
the initial message of the thread cannot be found by message-id...
Message-ID: <>
I assume the indexing is not running at their end for some reason.

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