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On Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:54:00 -0600, drew <> wrote:


There is a planned conference call for the marketing team today:
For some reaason I am unable to sign in, it says that the private PIN is  
not correct.

I'm cross posting here as for my agenda item I've added - website

        Wednesday, 2010-11-17, 18:00 UTC

Doodle Poll Result:

Please use the drop-down menu to convert the time into something that
fits your time zone.

The current agenda and the the dial-in details are available here:

Also saw an email from Christian to the dev list the other day
support ( vs being the question ), but that is
suppose besides the point for the phone call.

For todays call, in what ~2 hours, I was hoping to go over anyones
for the Why pages or the Front page....



Alexandro Colorado

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