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Hi Michael,

Has anyone seen an example that is a form for taking simple input and then
outputs the form data in one of two manners, either as a simple text file
of the values of each field or as a "finished" or "print ready" page.

Has anyone seen anything on the LO web pages like this? Preference is for
an already existing example and not giving her a bunch of "go read webpage
______ and learn it from scratch" (I expect to be doing that for her/them.)

Seems you are looking for connection database - print values.
If you won't use the Report-Builder you could do this in many different
ways through macros. I have written examples for form-letters with
textfields, creating bills with tables in writer ...

You could find these here:

It is a little bit older. The Base-Handbook isn't translated yet from
German to English and also more examples on my homepage are only in
German ...


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