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On 09/11/17 10:12, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 09/11/2017 à 10:02, Mike Scott a écrit :


You might have better luck posting your question to the developer
mailing list, or directly on the dev IRC channel.


Maybe I'll go there, as I seem to have found a workable answer. Not that I understand fully why it works; nor is it a complete and proper solution.

It's all down to "magic numbers". Rule two of code writing - never, ever, embed literal numbers in the depths of your code.

Well, there's a file mediawindow.cxx that has a grabFrame method that (I assume) is what's called by whatever displays the static placeholder.

This has embedded within it a so-called default frame - which is at 3.0 seconds or half the media length. With no way that the caller can request anything else.

So, on the basis that showing the first frame is better than a mid-media frame (make the video fade from/to black for example), I simply set the magic constant to 0 and recompiled.


The slide fades in to show the first frame, and the video starts from there. Exactly what the doctor ordered. What I don't understand is that when the video finishes, the last frame is now displayed. That too is exactly what's needed -- but I haven't a clue why: I expected it to jump back to the first.

I think the code is badly structured - the grabFrame method has no way of specifying an offset. It should have, and whatever runs the slide displaying should pick the first or last as appropriate.

Is it really so simple? And do the dev's lurk here at all, or do I need to stick this on the dev list??

Mike Scott (unet2 <at> [deletethis]
Harlow Essex England
"The only way is Brexit" -- anon.

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