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Le 23/04/2017 à 10:04, Brian Barker a écrit :

Hi Brian,

How is this "simple" on Macintosh, please? It's a well established idea,
I think, that aficionados of Apple systems often prefer them through
genuinely held but erroneous notions of what other operating systems

Perhaps the OP refers to the possibility under OSX to have the same
document open in a tabbed MDI-like interface when LibreOffice is run

1) Start LibreOffice - open Calc document.
2) Click on green window icon to activate fullscreen mode
3) Now, from the LibreOffice application menu : Window - New Window
4) A duplicate window of the first document will open in a seemingly
MDI-interface within the LO application window space (in tabbed display).

One should nonetheless be aware that working in LO's "fullscreen" mode
on OSX is fraught with a number of annoying bugs...due to LO's
incomplete support for Apple's fullscreen API (or rather, the code in LO
is a fudge that just about works most of the time).


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