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HI Robert,
                 Thank you for that advice. Will work with it tomorrow.  This is first time
I have had a master to edit. It was assembled by another member of our group
who sent it to me for proof read and any corrections. The first thing needing repair is the index - which does not access the linked documents.  As  I am very much a beginner with LO's master and linked docs, (previously we used Lyx for our OS
documentation) this may be a slow process.



On 10/09/17 18:48, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Gordon,

Trying to edit a master (.odm) document. Write protection is locked on.

Ctrl+Shift+M removes the 'Read Only'  note at head of page, but edit
access is still barred. Suggestions?
Could the document be write-protected by the system, not by LO?

If protection of LO is disabled you could only chang text in the master,
not in the linked documents. The linked documents must be opened by
doubleclick on the document-name in the navigator of the masterdocument.



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