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Hi :)
Does .xlsx work well enough now?

<start of a rambling aside mansplaining>

It used to be that only LibreOffice (and all other non-Microsquish office
programs) could write .xlsx that could be read by all versions of M$
Office.  Each different version of MS Office defaults to using a different
"transitional" OOXML that doesn't conform to the OOXML ISO Standard, as
written by Microsoft (and agreed internationally despite there already
being an ISO Standard for editable documents).  Sometimes the transitional
format used in one version of MS Office would create problems in other
versions of MS Office - even if that other version was newer.

This created a climate where document exchange was/is only viable through
non-editable formats such as .Pdfs and screenshots.  People were seldom
aware that non-microsquish programs were the only ones capable of writing
.xlsx (and the rest) that could be read properly by all versions of MS

When micosquish switched to developing the various transitional X formats
they kinda stopped developing their older formats.  Those older formats
thus accidentally became the best formats for sharing files.  Sadly all
Microsquish formats seem to have been used to spread malware from infected
versions of MS Office.  Non-Microsoft programs never seem to have that
problem except when passing on a file that was originally created by an
infected MS Office.  The non-MS program would typically have been
unaffected and unable to infect the rest of the non-MS users system.  To a
large extent this attack vector was minimised by MS blocking the use of
their own macros from other computers.

</end of rambling aside>

So, does xlsx now seem to better than xls?  Does M$ Office now try to block
their older formats in an effort to further force people to buy into their
newer versions?

I think it better for people to use non-MS programs to share documents.  In
Europe there seems to be much less resistance to non-microsoft programs,
perhaps because a rough average of around 20% of office users are already
using LibreOffice/OpenOffice including some very large organisations.
However Spain may be different, or the individual's company may still
believe MS's FUD and be scared of trying anything or updating anything.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 27 Jun 2017 17:42, "Uwe Brauer" <> wrote:

"Philip" == Philip Jackson <> writes:

Hi Philip

   > Hi Uwe,

   > Regardless of the version of calc you are using, you can change the
   > decimal indicator.  In the spreadsheet, select the cells concerned and
   > then  Format > Cells > Numbers and select Language to Spanish (Spain)
   > and your numbers will go from 3.4 to 3,4

I tried that but I am not entirely sure it worked flawlessly. It seems
however that the xlsx format (at least for simple spreadsheets)
translate well the different formats.

Uwe Brauer

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