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Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
From: Marc Paré [] 

Thanks to all the people who answered this. It seems whether LibreOffice 
is partially or completely compliant to "OASIS version 1.2" is more 
complicated to establish for non-dev people.

LibO is, like OOo, an extended conformance producer/consumer of
ODF1.2, in its default setup. Choosing ODF format version 1.2 in
Tools->Options->Load/Save->General makes it produce "conforming ODF
documents" as per 22.2.1.

Everything else is a bug. :)

  There is basically schema validation available, and there are a variety
  of schema verifiers.  It would be good to work cooperatively to improve
  them.  (Schema validity assessment is not enough to know that all of the 
  ODF rules not baked into the schema are honored, but it is an important
  first-order start.) to the
best of my knowledge goes beyond pure schema verification, but also
e.g. checks various prose-only normative requirements (e.g. for the
zip package).

I'm not subscribed to the users list, so if you need my answer,
please Cc me.


-- Thorsten

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