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I have a question about the System Requirements for Windows that is posted on the web site.

"Microsoft Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4 or higher), XP, Vista, or Windows 7
Pentium compatible PC (Pentium III or Athlon recommended)
256 MB RAM (512 MB RAM recommended)
1024x768 resolution (higher resolution recommended), at least 256 colors"

The older systems that run P-III tend to have video cards that do not go above 800x600 if you want at least 256 colors. That is what I have seen in most of the older computers I have used or repaired.

I am working on a P-III computer with 512 MB RAM and its video does not go above 800x600.

So the question is, what will I loose with the smaller video resolution? I have not added LO yet, since I am currently running the WinXP updates [hundreds of them] before I load the needed software: LO, Thunderbird, Firefox, Corel Draw [his], Inkscape, Security, and other software that he wants/needs on his computer.

So what will he/I give up with 800x600 instead of the 1024x768 resolution?

This machine is to replace a real old P-II machine that he bought used about 10 years ago. It would be nice to get LO on that machine, since it is going to be given to a girl who needs to type notes.

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