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It strikes me that there is more than that going on here.  I bet they are OLEs -- that is how 
embedding is done, they just present differently in Microsoft Office if Visio is installed (or not).

You need to see what they are in the LO document if you are saving them as ODF.  Typically, the 
Microsoft (OLE) embedding will be rewrapped (using a sun-based MIME type) but there will also be a 
graphical rendering alternative (typically a Windows Metafile of some version) that can be used if 
the application (e.g., if Visio) is not available.  The graphical rendering should have rendered 
for your printer just as it was for the display in the UI.  If you saw it in the UI on a machine 
without Visio, that is the alternate rendering.  This is standard OLE behavior and ODF has its own 
flavors of provision for alternative renderings.

It could be that there is a failure in use of the GDI printing interface (on Windows) and discovery 
of the printers capabilities. It could be something else.  (The GIF, being a bitmap images is 
tricky because it won't look good on higher resolution printers or at larger sizes.)  It might also 
be that the printing code does not choose the same alternative rendition that was used on the UI 
for some reason.

If you can make the file small enough to have just the problem image and that is not private, I 
will be happy to dig inside of it for you to see if we can narrow this problem down.  (You'll have 
to email me the file directly because this list doesn't pass attachments.)

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: purbeckjm [] 
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2011 09:10
Subject: [libreoffice-users] Re: Printing OLE problem

Thanks for the response, the flag is set correctly.

Having now been able to look in detail at the original file on a Windows
system, I have discovered that the diagrams are actually not OLEs, they are
embedded MS-Visio drawings. It is not surprising that LO cannot interpret
them! I have saved the diagrams as GIF files and replaced the embeds in my
LO version - all now prints perfectly.

Many thanks, J

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