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Hi :)

No, i think the point is that of that same 20% not everyone uses all of that 
20%.  Yes people use different features from each other but all the features 
they use tend to be fairly basic ones, eg not macros and almost none of the 
formulas in Excel.  It's all very imprecise of course.  

Regards from
Tom :)

From: yahoo-pier_andreit <>
Sent: Fri, 17 June, 2011 16:01:29
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] MSO's 80/20 rule: 80% of the people use about 
20% of the functionality.

Il 17/06/2011 16:33, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions ha scritto:

A paragraph that points to's article about "100 Essential Tips
for Microsoft Office 2010" list the following "rule":
For most of the world, Microsoft Office 2010 follows the 80/20 rule: 80%
of the people use about 20% of the functionality.

That 80% that is not used by the 80% of the users is what MSO advertised
a few years ago that these were the most needed options by users and
were most of the advertised "thousands of new functions added" for their
next upgraded product. I was told once that of that 80% not used, about
90% of that figured features are used by only 1% of MSO's users. Can
anyone spell B.L.O.A.T.

the fact is that the 20% used isn't the same for everybody, for example I use 
function from 1 to 20 and my friend from 3 to 23 and another friend from 6 to 
26, so in the world every function is used by some 20%, this is the why libo' 
isn't so diffused and used, becouse you can easily find something that you use 
in office that isn't present in libo'. :-))

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