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On 06/09/2011 09:55 PM, never punctual wrote:
Does anyone know how to make part of very long words stay on the line that
their first letter started on if the long word is not the first word in the

I know that sounded confusing, so let me give an example. Libreoffice Writer
treats URLs as very long words. Say you open a blank document, and then you
type a short word like "office", followed by a long URL onto the first line.
So right now, your document looks like this:

office http://somerandomsuperlongURLthatdoesn<http://somerandomsuperlongurlthatdoesn/>

The URL is too long to fit completely on the first line. So if you typed out
this URL character by character, Libreoffice Writer will move the entire URL
to the second line as soon as you reached the end of the first line! I don't
want this to happen. I want whatever fits on the first line to stay on the
first line. So for example, it might look like this:

office http://somerandomsuperlongURLthatdoesn<http://somerandomsuperlongurlthatdoesn/>

Is it possible to set Libreoffice Writer to do this? I know it's not default
behavior, but there are situations where I don't want to start a URL on a
completely new line just because it won't completely fit on the line that it
started on. Please help.


Turn off the Autocorrect --> Format>Autocorrect and uncheck the box for "while typing". That fixes a lot of formatting issues I have seen crop up in my typing. This may help with yours. Also, you might want to look into the "Autocorrect options" in that menu as well. There is an URL option there.

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