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Hello Larry,

On Thu, 02 Jun 2011 16:07:37 -0600 (your time) you said:

But, as you pointed out, it does not recognize two sig delimiters in a

Actually, I'm afraid you misread something because I didn't point that out.
I pointed out that the list appended a cutline to the end of the message.
The Bat! behaves as you would expect a proper, well developed email client
to behave and recognises the last signature delimiter in the message as the
signature boundary; that's exactly where it should be! The fact that
Thunderbird behaves differently in this respect doesn't translate to
'Thunderbird is a superior email client'. On the contrary in fact.
Furthermore, the issue wasn't about whose client was better than the other,
heaven's above, and it really isn't about that now either...and my email
client isn't defective because it does what it is supposed to!

The real point is that the list subscription information that is appended to
messages does not constitute a signature, and so should therefore not be
appended to messages preceded by a cutline. A simple series of dashes or an
continuous underscore above the list information to separate it would
suffice and wouldn't interfere with the author's signature. As I said, not
the end of the world but...

Please feel free to email me off list if you want to further discuss email
clients, but I don't think a Thunderbird vs The Bat! and everything else is
what this topic is about. Well, I certainly didn't intend it to be about

All the best

Si (PLO)
#12446. We Eon Word Gish? ¶

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