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Hi :)
If rules are set-up to alienate new users then i think they are worth ignoring.  
It is not acceptable to blindly follow orders or rules that cause harm or are 
ridiculous.  If TDF set a rule that said that all users must walk backwards 
would you obey it?  Would you berate people that didn't follow it?  

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Sigrid Carrera <>
Sent: Mon, 30 May, 2011 22:42:47
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] <OT>Re: Sun Weblog Publisher broken


On Mon, 30 May 2011 14:05:56 -0500
Roland Hughes <> wrote:

You have just demonstrated a complete lack of understanding about IT and
have __obviously__ never ever found yourself in the middle of a
multi-million dollar lawsuit between two massive corporations.  If you
had you would never speak so far out your rectal orifice in public.  I
have been in that situation and my side won, not just some counts, ALL
counts.  For the most part the other side lost because they "edited and
middle posted" in their emails so when placed on the stand had to work
from memory because the email they had in their hand was missing
everything damning.

In your office, you can do as you want. But on this list, we have a set of 
rules, that everyone should take into account. And one of this rules, is to not 
top post, but reply *below* the paragraph your referring to and deleting the 
stuff, you're not replying. 

Not doing this shows only your ignorance. 

If you're going to a football match, you do obey the rules for the game, you 
don't make up your own rules, or? So please, do us the favour and use the rules, 
that this group has given itself. And please spare us with such anecdotes - it 
doesn't matter here. 

Thank you. 


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