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I recently downloaded the newest version of Ubuntu in order to try it out as
I am not so impressed with Windows. The current download includes
LibreOffice. The main thing which would stop me from moving over to Ubuntu
is compatibility with MS Office 2007 files. I have been putting out a weekly
newsletter in Hebrew for the past 9 years and need to be able to access my
MS files and to be able to read them and work with them. I also have some
people working with me and they use MS Word and I must be able to
successfully transfer files between them and myself. The newsletter is in
Hebrew. When I tried opening the MS files using LibreOffice I found that the
formatting was very messed up as well as LibreOffice not having the fonts I
use and therefore everything came out wrong. How can I get LibreOffice to
open these files while maintaining the proper formatting and fonts? I hope
there is a way as everything I have heard about Ubuntu and Libreoffice point
to them being much more stable and powerful than MS but, as I wrote, I need
the compatibility with MS Office 2007 files.

Thank you in advance


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