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I am running Ubuntu Natty 11.04. I was using Liubreoffice 3.3.2 that had been downloaded and installed from the official site (I removed the version of Libreoffice that came with 11.04). I have now installed the RC1 of Libreoffice 3.4. I am having several problems right of the top. First, I can no longer create an address data source using Wizards->Address Data Source... When I select any of the now smaller list of choices (Mozilla/Netscape, Thunderbird, KDE address book, LDAP address data or Other external data source) and enter Next, I get the following error: "The conection to the external darta source could not be established. No SDBC driver was found for the given URL."

Is this a known problem? I apologize - I tried searching the Desktop Bugzilla database, but could not find a match

The second problem (maybe this should be separate mailing): With LO 3.4 RC1 I tried to read the existing data source created from Thunderbird using LO 3.3.2. This datyabase has/had three tables, one for each of my Thunderbird addresses). When I read this data source using LO 3.4.RC1, there are only two tables displayed. When I open the database directlty using Base, there are only two tables. And from the first problem, I cannot recreate any data source.

I was under the impression (maybe incorrectly) I could still run LO 3.3.2. I do not know where to find it if it is still available.

Any suggestions?

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