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Hi there.

I have some ideas for some features I think would be usefull for editing
charts in Calc:

The first is the ability to easily edit the format of axes titles (and
titles in general). Actually, you must select the text inside the title box,
and then search format. In the options that appear, there isn't any option
for upper/subscrips format.
One can then customize the toolbar adding the button "Character" from the
"Format" option. But upper/subscrips don't work: after you click outside the
textbox the format disappear (I have checked this with LO 3.3.2 on 2
machines with Windows XP x86 and other 2 with Kubuntu Lucid and Natty,
x86_64; and LO 3.4 RC1 on a virtual WinXP x86).
I think that the better option could be add format buttons as in any
toolbar. I mean, a classic toobar like

|[B] [I] [U] [a_S] [a^S] [etc]|

Not only for the axes titles, but for leyends and exes numbers.

Another thing I believe could be very usefull, is allowing the possiblity of
editing chart ranges just dragging the chart source data with the mouse.

And at last, I think that having to make doubleclick for editing Calc or
Writer charts is cumbersome. It's 0K when you have to edit just a fwe
graphic but when you work with many of them (form 10 and above). But this is
something that doesn't stop me, so I understand if you totally disagree.



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