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I'm having two minor issues that are just a hassle enough to warrant posting.
The first is when I download and open a file the font color always starts as
red rather than black. If I open Writer from the desktop, it's black-only
when opening ready-made documents is it red. Is there any way to set it to
always being black? The second issue is more annoying; for labs I have to
highlight my answers and after clicking the highlight button, when I move
the cursor down to what needs to be highlighted, it makes the page jump all
around: if I put the highlight icon near the bottom of the page, it
auto-scrolls down and so forth. As you can imagine, this is incredibly
annoying because I'm constantly jumping around and have to manually scroll
back to where I was. Is this a bug or is intended to do this? Is there an
option to shut off or "lock" the page? Thankyou. 


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