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Hi :)
Sorry i forgot to explain the command which is why people probably got confused.

The command is meant to take the existing file, called "FileName" (you will need 
to change that to your own file's name) then 'pipes it' through grep.  Grep does 
the filtering.  You would need to change "words-to-filter-for" to which-ever 
words or numbers you are looking for.  I'm fairly sure that you can use 
wild-cards; so, ? would be a single character that could be anything or * would 
be a variable number of characters that could be anything.  

Then i think the > creates a new file and puts all the results of the grep part 
of the command into that new file.  You would need to change the "NewFileName" 
to something more useful.  I would avoid overwriting the original until after 
checking the resulting file looks correct.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Tom Davies <>
Sent: Sat, 14 May, 2011 6:48:29
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Calc - Filter text

Hi :)
Which Operating System are you using; Windows, Ubuntu, another linux distro, Bsd 
or Mac?  For the non-Windows ones in the list (ie all the unix-based ones) it 
might be worth exploring using a command-line tool which could then be made into 
a button on your taskbar or something.  It would be something like

cat FileName.Csv | grep words-to-filter-for > NewFileName.Csv

As i said, i don't know the unix command-line well enough but i'm sure someone 
on this list could make it more accurate.  The | is near the left-shift key on 
Uk keyboards but somewhere around the enter key on laptops and american 
keyboards, it's not an l, on the keyboard it's usually shown with a gap in the 
middle to show its a filtering command.  

The Csv format is very handy precisely  because it is basically a text-file with 
commas after each cell and so it can be manipulated even without opening a 
program such as a spreadsheet program.
Good luck and regards from
Tom :)

From: phantom 1969 <>
Sent: Sat, 14 May, 2011 0:58:26
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LibreOffice Calc - Filter text

Thanks for everyone's help, but I am not trying to figure out how to save a
document as .csv, but trying to figure out how to filter a .csv document by
a word or phrase, and extract that  data from within one document and save it
to another. Similar to using "Find & Replace" to search for a word or phrase
within a document. I just can't figure out how to extract the found data to
create a separate document with only the extracted data to create a separate
document , such as another .csv document.
On May 13, 2011 7:06 PM, "Tom Davies" <> wrote:
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