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Le 15/03/11 21:17, Julio Fuenmayor a écrit :

Hi Julio,

Since I started using Ubuntu, of course I've been using OpenOffice because
it was the ofimatic software in the SO, I didn't complain about that, but
there was an opportunity that I was looking for some images in internet to
do a collage, I found one, I copied it to my text processor in OO (I dont
remember the name) and went on doing it several times, but then the program
"collapses" or something like that, suddenly it stopped working, it put a
gray layer over all the screen, the same that the programs do when the stop
working on Ubuntu, and it takes  a while to respond again, and whatever I do
it stops working again. It was very awful...

You mention OOo, but are posting on a LibreOffice mailing list, so I
will refer to both in my reply.

I seem to recall that this is currently a known bug.

You can try several things :

1) remove, or better yet rename (e.g. oldlibo / oldooo), your
.libreoffice / .openoffice directories, restart LibreOffice / then see if the problem still occurs - if it does, then
there is a pretty good indication that the problem lies in one of the
configuration files or extensions in your .libreoffice / .openoffice

2) The LanguageTool extension caused many Java crashes, and if you have
this installed in your version of OOo / LibO, then it may be the cause
of the crash behaviour you have seen. You should try and remove it if
possible, and then restart LibO / OOo to see if that makes a difference.


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