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Dear Algimantas,

gymka wrote:
imho if i want answer to my question i need to write as short as possible and give as much information as possible. if you want:
IMHO if you want an answer to my question it helps being kind and maintaining some 'social behaviour' as in any activity where developed humans relate to each other.
hello people,
i'm Algimantas. i'm live in east europe.
as i said imho it's uncessary offtopic and with this message i'm just wasting other peoples time and internet traffic. for chat there is other options.
Well... no one asked for your full autobiography... I guess people won't bother for the ~30 bytes bandwidth spent in a nice, friendly greeting

BTW (still IMHO) - As someone took the time to answer your question (and possibly solve your issue) in less than 1 hour from your post a "Thank you" would have been nice ;-)


On 2011.03.07 14:04, Karl-Heinz Bellgardt wrote:

even in a mailing list it would be polite to see a kind of
salutation and your real name.

On 07.03.2011 12:17, gymka wrote:
how in libreoffice writer replace text:
??? regular expressions not working(or i don't know how to use them) in
replace input. eg. i write "find: [:digit:][:digit:]. and replace with
0[:digit:][:digit:]." and result is "0[:digit:][:digit:]." and i want to
get result like: "022."
If you want to do just that replacement you don't need regular
expression, just replace /22./ by /022./

If you want to replace any digit try
/[:digit:]{2}./ by /0&/
"&" is a placeholder that stands for the search result, as explained
in the LO help for regular expressions.


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