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On Thu Oct 21 2010 23:13:46 GMT-0700 (PDT)  Gianluca Turconi wrote:
Il 21/10/2010 22.22, Andy Brown ha scritto:
How does on go about adding a color palette (*.soc) file to LibO?  I
downloaded a file and placed it in the same directory as other .soc
files for LibO but do not see it listed.

Taken from OOo wiki:

1. In Writer, use the Drawing toolbar to insert a graphic object, an ellipse, e.g..
   2. On the object, right-click > Area > Colors
3. Click the "Load Color List" button (it has only an icon: the standard "open file" icon)
   4. Choose any ".soc" file you like
   5. OK

It seems working in LIbO too.

Please, confirm the solution, thanks.

Thanks for the information.  I will let you know how it works out.


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