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Hi Raul,

Not a function I generally use but I just tried it on LO on UbuntuStudio and it worked 
perfectly. Both for saving with password and then re-opening.

Try Wade's suggestion of checking the log files.

On 23/03/2025 12:43, Raul Claro wrote
.Hello, I am sorry, but is there really no solution to this problem - or comment?

     Since I haven't received any answer, I ask again:

I have the newest version of LibreOffice (just upgraded). I hoped my problem would have 
benn solved. But it is not the case: (I do not use directly Debian, but Devuan Daedalus.)

I cannot save a file with password. After I have set a password there appears an error.

"error saving the document ...
General Error
General input/output error"

    I have this problem since several months and I have not found a solution anywhere. Somewhere I 
found öut that another system for this saving is being used, but that has not helped.

Thank you very much.


Raul Claro


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