On 2025-03-16 15:15, Lucas Augusto Valentim Dantas wrote:
Hello, Calc stops responding from 2s to 5s for the first time anything is typed in a cell,
and for the first time a function is written in a cell. Obviously there is an event triggered when
any of these two things happen that causes Calc to load something into memory. Before I file a bug
and start exploring the code, I would like to know whether this is a known issue caused due to
missing java or python or if this can be fixed by changing some setting.
This is a fresh install and it happens with new spreadsheets, also happening with any other
spreadsheet. Doesn't prevent the use of the software but it is really annoying.
Just installed and tried a new spreadsheet.
Put text string "FIRST" in cell A2; no delay, instantly move to cell B2.
Put formula MID(A2,2,3) in cell B2; no delay, instantly returned "IRS".
So I think LO is not your suspect.
Kind regards,
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