If you are going to do search and replace, it's very tricky if your cells
has values from 1 up to 4 digits, such as 5 for 0:05 and 1500 for 15:00.
Here's another way to do it:
In a free column, first row, enter (if your values are in the A column):
This converts your number to a fraction of a day (600=0.25, 1200=0.5,
1800=0.75 and so on). Then you just format the column to HH:MM. As a last
step, just copy the whole column as values to the A column:
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Click OK.
Kind regards
Johnny Rosenberg
On Mar 15, 2025, 4:08 PM, at 4:08 PM, James <bjlockie@lockie.ca> wrote:
I'll try the find and replace.
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