Dear List members
Good day ! Amazing to see such a helpful community.
I am used to M$ Excel Shortcuts (for many years before reaching this wonderful community and libre
office calc). Is there a plugin or add on that enables some important XL shortcuts in libre calc ?
I am specifically looking for the following on my LAPTOP key board
1. Insert Column or Row - Highlight column or row and then Control + "+" on keyboard2. Control + R
: copies to the right column3. Autofilter - Alt + A + T4. Table design = Alt + H + J in excel -
5. Cell and range Borders6. Insert PIVOT Table
More the merrier
Also, is there PIVOT function in libre calc as good as excel, better than excel ? any tips and
tricks ,
Please note that I am a novice here so this entire post and all these questions are genuine
questions to learn and NOT to challenge anyone
These are my present version and other info
Version: (x86) / LibreOffice Community
Build ID: fddf2685c70b461e7832239a0162a77216259f22
CPU threads: 16; OS: Windows 11 X86_64 ; UI render: Skia/Raster; VCL: win
Locale: en-US (en_US); UI: en-US
Thanks in advanceBest regards
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- [libreoffice-users] I am used to M$ Excel Shortcuts. Is there a plugin or add on that enables some important XL shortcuts in libre calc ? · Hastham S
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