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I've written about this before; let me add some details. About a month ago,
Writer (and *only* Writer) changed its behavior when I switch keyboards
using super+space: now, the cursor disappears in the document I'm working
on and no keyboard input is detected. Instead, I have to move the cursor
(with the mouse) to the place in the text where I was editing and click it
to get input back. This happens only in Writer, not in Calc, not in
Impress, and not in any application I've tried so far outside OpenOffice.
About two weeks ago, I noticed that the problem had gone away in *one*
document I was editing (but not in the others--I usually have several
open). That's no longer the case. Is there a configuration tweak I haven't
been able to discover here? I realize the super+shift key binding is in
Ubuntu, not LibreOffice, but my problem is in LibreOffice Writer.

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